Health Insurance / Krankenkasse

Students from member states of the European Union (EU)

In order to be able to enrol you as a student you must have a valid health insurance

and must present their European Health Insurance Card (EHIC-card) upon arrival.

Therefore, please send a copy/scan of your EHIC to one of the German public health insurance companies with the university number “H0001370” prior your arrival.

The card must be valid for the whole duration of your stay. In many EU-countries the grey EHIC-card is already printed on the back of the national card.

However, if this is not the case, please approach your health insurance to have a valid EHIC-card issued. Without this card you cannot enroll as a student.

Students from overseas and non-EU countries

In order to be able to enrol you as a student you must have a valid health insurance

and are advised to buy a standard German student health insurance upon arrival in Germany which will cover medical costs as well as hospital & dental treatment within Germany and the European Union.

Medical costs are very expensive in Germany, so please be aware that private travel insurances of your home country cannot find acceptance unless they provide unlimited financial cover (100%).

Moreover, with any kind of foreign health insurance you are usually required to pay treatment fees upfront if there is any kind of medical emergency, whereas with German health insurance you can be treated immediately as treatment costs are charged directly to the insurance.

Students from Turkey

may be covered according to EU-Turkish bilateral agreements if their Turkish insurance issues a valid AT11 insurance document which must be valid for the whole duration of your stay.

Please bring the original AT11 with you and send a copy to a copy/scan of your EHIC to one of the German public health insurance companies with the university number “H0001370” prior your arrival.

Turkish students without valid AT11 document are treated as students from overseas and must take out a German standard student health insurance.